Take a Carotid Artery test.

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Take a Carotid Artery test.

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:11 pm

Prior to taking any cholestrol/stain drug you should request a Carotid Artery and a peripheral arterial disease screening test. If normal, you may not need to start taking a cholestrol/statin drug. Check with your GP.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:30 pm

I am surprised that no one has responded to this post, in a positive or negative way. If your cartoid artery is in great shape and you test negative for peripheral arterial disease than you do not need a statin drug to lower your cholesterol. These test should be required prior to anyone being prescribed a statin drug. I know it is to late for most of us, but I took these test after I became a statin drug victim and was told my arteries were in great shape. The point is your level of cholestrol maybe normal for you. Why take a statin drug?
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Postby harley2ride » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:50 pm

I agree, Gotts....
Even after I had an Angiogram showing no buildup, they still put me on Crestor, which screwed me up.. They should also have to do genetic testing before being able to prescribe a Statin, or many other drugs...
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat May 03, 2008 11:29 am

Just yesterday, I got in the mail a invatation from this place http://www.lifelinescreening.com/Prepar ... Index.aspx. I signed up for it. It is out of pocket, don't take insurance but I figure it would cost as much in co-pays to have this done and these people have no vested interest in finding something so should be more trustworthy. You can check and see when/if it will be in your local area.
Cat Mom2
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Ultrasonographic Exam Results:

Postby catamaran » Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:02 pm

I have told this story a few times elsewhere on this site:

I have had three successive measurements of the volume of atherosclerotic lesions in my carotid arteries and abdominal aorta over a period of 30 months. The first study was to establish a baseline for existing conditions. The two subsequent studies, each at 15 month intervals, revealed a complete arrest of the progression of the volume of the lesions in my carotids as well as a firm indication that the intima of my carotids was uniformly thicker with no reduction in the area of the lumen.

Extremity blood-pressure measurements also showed no change over the 30 month period.

The rationale behind the study was to prove the efficacy of high-dose vitamin C therapy in the prevention of atherosclerosis and its concomitant heart disease and PAD, which it has conclusively.

Re: "Stopping America's #1 Killer", Dr. Thomas Levy, MD/JD

FYI: Yours truly is 75 years old and his last test for "cholesterol", four years ago, returned a reading of 287mg/dl.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:09 pm

catamaran: What is the frequency and dosage of your Vit.C. regimen?

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