Statins may damage the mitochondria

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Statins may damage the mitochondria

Postby bradford » Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:35 am

I found this article claiming that statins may damage the mitochondria --

"Certain cholesterol-reducing drugs appear to damage mitochondria, the tiny power stations inside living cells. That's just one of several startling results uncovered by a survey that tested the biochemical effects of nearly 2500 drugs and natural products on muscle cells to assess how their mitochondria reacted to the chemicals. . . . "

For the complete article go to *
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:06 pm

Bradford: Thanks for the link. Though it's isn't new news to us, let's hope, as we always do, it is the beginning of true discovery. FYI - I did a cut and paste of part of the link's text below:

"...they found that three of them (statins) - fluvastatin, lovastatin and simvastatin - were TOXIC towards mitochondria. 'Patients have reported muscle aches and cramps as a side effect of some statins and this could be one reason,' Mootha told Chemistry World. 'This clinical hypothesis could have huge implications worldwide.' ".

Another compound, deoxysappanone, which is found in green tea, was shown to improve the efficiency of mitochondria.



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Postby Darrell » Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:37 pm

Thank you, Bradford. That's an excellent find. I'd already tested simvastatin on my mitochondria and come to that conclusion, but it sure is nice to see that science is catching up with me.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:08 pm

Once again thanks to you, Bradford. The question now is how do we rehabilitate the mitochondria after statin drug damage? Or, once damaged, can the mitochondria ever be restored to normal function?
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Postby Ray Holder » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:41 pm

As the studies only used muscle cells in culture medium, the statins could not have had their effect via the mevalonate pathway, from whose products they must have become separated, so the effect was directly on the mitochondria itself.

We already know that the reduction of Q10 and of heme a prevent the krebs cycle from fully carrying out its manufacture of ATP, but this is a fundamental blow to the mitochondria themselves, something of a knockout blow to a system otherwise weakened.

The only glimpse of light in this situatuion is the stated fact that mitochondria are thought to have evolved from a form of bacteria that formed a symbiotic relationship with early life, and has retained the ability to reproduce itself by division, so possibly damage might be able to repair itself when the statin was totally removed.

The Q10 production damage and that of carnitine also, have a much more problematical outlook.

It is a considerable step in the right direction towards having the spotlight thrown on statin damage, but I wonder if the publication is one which the medical world accept as among the most prestigious, many other good findings have been labelled untrustworthy by the moguls of medicine, unfortunately.

Ray Holder
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Postby Ray Holder » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:46 pm

Sorry, but mitochondria is the plural noun, and I have used itself instead of themselves in the first sentence.

Ray Holder
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Postby Dee » Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:42 pm

I ran across that study last week. I question where they say only certain statin cause mitochondrial damage, and then rule out Pravachol as one that causes such damage.

My biopsy showed lipid deposits within the cells, and one possible cause was mitrochondial disease or damage, and another cause was "drug toxicity", and Pravachol is the statin I took.

So still not a firm Dx in my case, but it seemed the evidence weighed toward mitrochondrial problems.
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Postby Brian C. » Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:03 am

I read a study a while back where simvastatin (Zocor) appeared to have the greatest adverse effect on mitochondrial gene expression (increased errors in reproduction) compared to other statins. Unfortunately I do not now have the study to hand.

Simvastatin can be purchased without prescription here in the UK.

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Postby Allen1 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:51 am

Thanks for the link bradford,

I read the article and although I had heard of something along these lines reported on this site (I think) recently, it was really good to see it out in the open though.

When I went to leave a comment, it was good to see Brooks has already done so, it would do no harm for everyone else to add to the comments as someone may take notice and keep things on the statin front moving and in the public eye.

I have never had green tea, anyone know what it tastes like or how you would make it ready to drink?

All the best,

Allen. :-)
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Postby Brian C. » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:05 am

Green tea is delicious drunk as a simple infusion Allen, no milk or sugar. Very refreshing. My wife drinks it all the time but I can't since my stomach gets a little queasy after a couple of cups for some reason. I drink it lunchtime along with "red tea" (South African rooibos) in the morning and chamomile in the afternoon.

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Postby carbuffmom » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:11 am

I don't know if they are as good as brewed green tea, but you can buy Green Tea Extract in capsule form. I take one with each meal. Green tea is also good on ice! Deb
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Statin damage to mitochondria

Postby jazzbird925 » Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:08 pm

I just located this on the web: Insights Into Drug Toxicity Revealed By New Chemical Tool Kit That Manipulates Mitochondria:


"Roughly 100 million Americans take statins, and among that group, about 1 million experience muscle cramping and aches"..........

and that is only those that have reported their reactions. The more evidence of damage, the better. Now, maybe the scientific community can figure out a reversal.
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