Any experience with adrenal suppliments

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Any experience with adrenal suppliments

Postby David Staup » Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:09 pm

I've been looking at ways to stimulate the adrenal gland rather than taking steroids with their side effects and have found suppliments that are specific to the adrenal.

anyone have any experience or thoughts on this or similar suppliments?



David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby ronni » Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:45 pm

Hi David,

I have been diagnosed with stage 7 adrenal fatigue via a 24 hr. saliva test. My doctor has me on a compounded pregnenolone125mg/dhea20mg med as well as hydrocortisone (generic cortef) which is milder than prednisone and other steroids. In addition, she is having me take biotin, B5, Vitamin C which I was already on, and PS (Phosphatidylserine ) at night to curb my cortisol production which is too high at night. I feel that I am making slow but steady progress in treating my adrenal fatigue. The progress has been hindered by dealing with other medical issues which have stessed my poor adrenal gland (I only have one) even further.

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Postby David Staup » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:02 pm


thank you for the reply Iam in the process of investigating this and the thyroid problems both. I was misdiagnosed (I believe) as hyperthyroid and the doctor nuked it so now of course I'm on replacement therapy for life. see link below:


has this helped with muscle problems and execise intolerance?

Thanks again
David Staup
Posts: 546
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Postby ronni » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:22 pm

As far as muscle problems and exercise intolerance being improved, I think that it is too early to tell. I certainly have not been the same since statins! Prior to statins, I went to the gym 5 days a week. I believe statins are responsible for triggering a seeming never-ending round of medical issues I have had to deal with. First, I was diagnosed hypothyroid, and there is definitey a link. I'll have to dig through the archives to find a link Ray Holder provided to demonstrate the link. Then this past year, I have been dealing with papillary thyroid cancer, follicular variant, and have gone through a total thyroidectomy and radioiodine treatment. This has definitely aggravated my adrenal fatigue. I started the treatment for adrenal fatigue after the the thyroidectomy but before the radioiodine. I was feeling much better and much more energetic. But now I am struggling after the radioiodine. The glands take up radioiodine and I am sure it must be delaying my recovery from adrenal fatigue. So the jury is still out. I do have hope though, because I know it was working. If you think you are suffering from adenal fatigue, I would definitely recommend doing the saliva test and getting treatment.
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Postby ronni » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:27 pm

Found it! See below for the response from Ray Holder and the link.

If y ou go to the Washington University of St Louis , neuromuscular website, there is an index of many problems. via the index on the home page, click on Lipid Lowering Myopathies and follow down to HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, statins, and hypothyroidism is there, or directly go to :


This is a genuine university medical site, although the data is in a very shortened form.

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Postby David Staup » Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:00 pm

Thanks again ronni for your responce..
I new about the link between statins and Hypothyroidism but in my case it was false hyperthyroid diagnosis that led to my being on replacement therapy... as far as I can tell my thyroid level is correct (by monitoring body temp) even though my bloodwork shows slightly below normal.
if I take the higher dose my problems with cramping muscles increase dramatically. It may be that if my adrenal function improves that may change... I just don't know enough yet and will have to experiment

David Staup
Posts: 546
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby ronni » Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:43 pm

You are right David. You adrenal glands have everything to do with how well your body processes and uses the thyroid hormones. Some even find out that they need less thyroid hormone once adrenal function is optimized. You will not know exactly what shape your adrenal function is in without a saliva cortisol test. The website is an excellent resource.
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Location: Knoxville, TN

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