Proper Name

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Proper Name

Postby Cathy » Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:36 pm

Is there a name for all the problems we are having do to statin drugs? My Pain Dr. asked me what my orginal dx was. I really don't know. My orginal pain Dr. said I had a host of problems due to lipitor. So due I have: statin toxity, lipitor posioning, alergic reaction to statins or what? Lipitor caused my neuropathy, muscle weakness, brain fog, forgetfulness,pain everywhere, loss of dexterity in my hands and who all knows what! So there should be a medical name for this. Anyone know????
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Postby xrn » Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:36 pm

Statin toxicity related effects would cover it. Statin induced adverse reactions could also be used. General terms like lassitude for a generalised tiredness could be used but the causes of tiredness are many and so it would not be appropriate to be too general. Adding statin related or statin induced before whichever term you want to use, makes it clear to the listener that you are ascribing your symtoms to statins.

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Postby Brian C. » Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:45 am

Or just plain simple STATIN POISONING

HMG CoA reductase inhibitors are, by their very nature, incapacitating agents and would have been of military interest if impact was much less variable.

It's a little appreciated fact that one of the effects effectively mimics carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning, i.e. depression of oxygen transport in the mitochondria.

Brian C.
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