CBS Evening News with Katie Couric Tonight

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CBS Evening News with Katie Couric Tonight

Postby Biologist » Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:42 pm

I made this a new thread so more people might see it.

Tomorrow night's "show" is to include the "scary news" about Statins. Most likely just a fluff piece in disguise in order to get ahead of the coming avalanche to put as good face on it as possible in advance. But it will be interesting to see -- and millions of people will.

Probably will have that Pfizer Sales Rep, Dr. Nissen, to give us the "low down" -- particularly about the New & Improved versions in the works.


It will show on Thursday night 1/17/2008.

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Postby Brian C. » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:37 am

Pfizer et al are in an end-game situation. Don't expect cornered rats not to fight dirty.

Brian C.
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Postby ksxroads » Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:13 pm

Several years ago CBS did a segement interviewing individuals who were experiencing transient global amnesia following taking statin medications & how they were refusing to take a statin and substituting alternative measures to lower their cholesterol ... as a direct result of this segement my husband was able to convince me and my doctor that I WAS having problems. so let's be hopeful that they will be proactive in discussing adverse reactions to this medication.
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Postby Biologist » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:26 pm

They may be helpful this time. Mainly helpful to themselves. Yep, CBS is a major coconspirator -- forget theories, think conspiracy fact. Think money.

Their patents are about to run out. Time to confess & apologize. (Rebuild that credibility -- and Quick.) But mainly, it's time to Present the Real McCoy. The new stuff coming out that truly is good for you -- honest this time. Trust us.

If they don't "hard close for the sale" this time, the segment will serve as a setup for when they do in the future. Nissen has already alluded to the new class of money-makers (i.e., widow-makers) coming out soon. That alone is enough to prop-up stock prices (i.e., it means money in the bank TODAY).

Here's a fitting companion piece:


(It's titled "Vytorin: Dis-Enhance-d" and will be in his archives before long, but you can still find it even months from now if you look for it.)

ksxroads, I wish I had seen that segment. I'm glad you did.

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:59 pm

I was so dissapointed after watching that segmant. It did not address any of the side effects, but it did point out that to many people that it will do no good or are on it.... I guess we will have to settle for that!
Cat Mom2
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Postby adec » Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:32 am

Right now the major news outlets are closely following these breaking stories. You need to strike while the iron is hot, it's imperative. Today's fish wrapping and birdcage lining is yesterday's news.


Roll up your sleeves. Get a little dirt on your faces. Post some messages. Let them know the truth. I am.
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Postby PAD » Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:58 pm

I almost got on this site after the program to say "what a disappointment" but guessed everybody thought so too. There was also an article in USA Today on the same subject and also left out the bad side effects..oh's a start...Pat
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