My Statin Story Updates

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

My Statin Story Updates

Postby uncle2blade » Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:20 pm

Hi all,
For those who want to keep posted on other individuals progress I thought this would be a good thread. I know one of the things that has kept me going is to here how others have progressed. It's been 20 months since my last dose of Crestor, and zittia. Today things have improved to a point where I could live fairly comfortably,although not without some pain. I was finally able to play nine holes of golf last week. I did experience some exercise intolerance. I am able to walk about a mile without to much trouble.I can play with my grand kids again. I'm working about 24hr's a week, and hope I can always keep working. I enjoy my work especially now that I don't have to work. I still have some lower back pain, some hip pain especially when I over do things, and some foot pain. Life is slowly getting better. I still look forward to the day I'll be able to exercise without pain.

This forum has saved my life. I thank all of you that contribute to this forum.
Thanks to all, Keep posting, Craig
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:53 pm

Thanks, Uncle2blade. Could you post your current supplement regimen and any peripheral developments (diabetes, hypo/hyperglycemia, vision problems, ALS, yada yada)?

Gongratulations on your improvement!

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Postby Allen1 » Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:06 pm

Congratulations Craig,

that is certainly good news and I hope to hear more along these lines in the near future. I know of one thing that spoilt my recovery was running out of L-Carnitine over about a 6 week period till my next supply arrived, it has take that long again to get close to where I was prior to running out (I am taking larger amounts now). Whatever you do please try to maintain your supply of supplements just in case, I know my thinking ability is still screwed up worse that it was because of that lapse and a smaller one with Q10 so take care.

All the best,

Allen. :)
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Postby uncle2blade » Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:25 am

Hi Brooks,
When I stand behind a barber chair, sometimes up to two or three hrs. without sitting down, my lower back and hips still heart. Better than two wears ago wen I could't stand up. I still have pain in my right foot especially when I stand to long. If I over do things it takes a day to get my energy back, otherwise things seem to be good. I am still recovering from a Heart valve replacement that took place last Jan.

My supplement regimen:

500 mgs. of L-Carnitine 3 times a day with meals
500 mgs. of AL-Carnitine 3 times a day with meals
100 mgs. of Ubiquinol CoQ10 3 times a day with meals
900 mgs. of omega-3 3 times a day with meals
300 mgs. of Alpa Lipoic Acid once a day
1000 mgs. of Ester-C 2 times a day
250 mgs. of Potassium 2 times a day
250 mgs. of Magnesium 2 times a day
2500 I.U. D3 once a day
4mgs. of Astaxanthin once a day
MenaQ7 Vitamin K2 50 mgs. once a day

Best to You and everyone, Your all in my prayers, Craig
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:31 am

Thanks. Craig. Hope you continue to improve. :o)


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Postby harley2ride » Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:02 pm

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Postby uncle2blade » Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:16 pm

Some of you have read ; in some of my resent posts that I'm having a little relapse of some of the pain I had when first coming of of statins. Most in my lower back and hips. It's been 26 months now since my last dose of Crestor. I'm still grateful for the recovery I've had to date. Still hoping for more. Just thought I'd keep everyone up to date. By the way, I've just started seeing a Functional Medicine MD. I'll let you know how it goes.

Best to all Craig
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:25 pm

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Postby uncle2blade » Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:32 pm

Your post is precisely the reason I started this thread. Not only to keep up on the struggles we all have, but also the progress. Sometimes I wonder what has happened to some of the members of this forum. If we recover from our statin induced problems we can not abandon the people who are still suffering. we need to give them hope. I also feel a need to report the problems I continue to have. Not only do I look for help and knowledge from those that have gone before me, but to show others that just because we have some recovery, there is always the unexpected.
I hope your apt. with your new DR. proves fruitful, thanks for keeping us up to date on your progress.
I come to this forum every day just to keep up with what is going on with you all. Tis forum has been my life saver

Best to you and all, Craig
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:09 am

Your new doc's comments, " After more than two years of cessation, the statins, are no longer causing discomfort and other symptons ", does not appear to include me. This month I have now been with leg pains for three years. when I stopped taking Lovastatin my legs stopped aching and throbbing, 24 hours a day, but the level of pain, when I use my legs for anything, has not decreased for three years.
Of course I don't take as many supplements as some are taking because I can not afford them.
I am now taking:
Acetyl L-Carnitine-500mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid-300MG
Vitamin D3- 1000 I.U.
Balanced B-100 Complex
Omega-3 1000mg
And other various Vitamins.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:53 am

Gotts: What he said was that the Statins were not the problem any longer, but they had likely 'triggered' the existing problems; in other words, statins were at fault but not in situ. It's as though a prankster had run down your street and unlocked YOUR door allowing a thief to come in and ransack YOUR belongings - the prankster (statins) is long gone, but the damage is done, and the thief is still there and eating from your fridge.


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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:09 pm

Sorry, I misunderstood his comments. Thanks for the clarification.
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Postby Trev M » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:13 pm

I am new to this site and not sure if I am relieved to know I am not imagining things or angry that so many people have been affected by their statins. I was put on Simvastatin and all seemed OK for around 2 years. I noticed then some crepitus in my neck which seemed to have associated shoulder muscle pain. This was X rayed and put down to early scoliosis, but I could not understand if or how the muscle pain was associated. At around the same time I was seriously worried about my mental capacity, in one conversation I temporarily forgot my daighters name!!. I told my GP about the muscle pain and she switched me to Lipitor.....big mistake.....I could hardly turn over in bed due to shoulder muscle pain. I decided to stop the statins there and then. My mental capacity improved in a matter of days, noticeably, my vocabulary and memory returned. However, 2 months later and the shoulder pain remains. Any comments on how long this might take to improve or what helps would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Trev M
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Postby uncle2blade » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:29 pm

Trve M

It's hard to say how long it takes to get improvement, after we stop taking statin drugs. We are all different and, took statins for different amounts of time.
Please explore this sight you will get a lot of help here.

Start by taking some L- Carnitine 500 mg caps. I take Three grams a day, but you should start of slowly and see what works for you. Take CoQ10 too. I take 300mgs a day. I'm sure just these two simple supplements will help you, and you will see some improvement.

If you read what has helped others on this forum I'm sure you will find someone who has had your same problem. Find out what has helped them.
I suffer with lower back and leg pain, I also have some neck and arm pain. Click on my profile and you can read my story. Find other profiles to read. You now have the power to heal.

Best to you, and welcome to our forum, Craig
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Fri May 15, 2009 3:22 pm

To everyone, from ny waist down I am disabled. From the waist up I am as healthy as a stud horse. Please anyone explain?
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Postby uncle2blade » Fri May 15, 2009 7:43 pm

By the time I stopped taking statin drugs I couldn't walk or stand. I didn't have any problems in my upper body. Today my legs and back have recovered a lot. I now have some shoulder, arm and neck discomfort. Go figure. It's been two and a half years since my last dose of Crestor.
I wish I had all the answers, so I could tell everyone with statin damage how to recover. All I can do is share my experience, in recovery. I feel one of the most important things for me was a wonderful wife that had to care for me. I couldn't do a lot. She would rub my legs and hip, sometimes for up to an hour. I can't tell you why I think this helped so much, other than it felt so good. She will still rub me if I ask. I did a lot of reading on this forum and followed the advice others offered. L- Carnitine and COQ10 were the first thing that were suggested. Then I started adding thing as I read more.
I know you probably do a lot of investigating on tis forum, click on my profile and you can see what I have done. I'm far from recovered but today I can work, play with my grandkids, do little jobs around the house and have a fairly active life. My life isn't like it once was, but a lot better than when I first stopped statins.
I hope and pray you get some relief. I'll answer any questions you have regarding my recovery.
Best to you Craig
PS By the way what is your supplement regime.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sat May 16, 2009 4:16 pm

Based on spacedoc's latest book I have increased my supplements as follows:
CoQ10- 200mg.
L-carnitine- 500mg.
Vitamin E tocopherol- 200IU.
Vitamin E tocotrienol- 50mg.
Lecithin- 500mg.
Vitamin D3- 1000IU.
Alpha Lipoic Acid- 300mg.
Selenium- 200mcg.
Omega-3- 1000mg.
Magnesium Oxide- 500mg.
Vitamin C- 1000mg.
I am waiting for a shipment of gylconutrient caps. For the last three years, until this week, I have been able to walk for a 30 minute brisk walk with my wife. This week I was only able to walk twice. My leg muscles and lower back muscles hurt when any stress is placed on them. I do great when shopping as long as I can lean on a grocery cart.
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Postby uncle2blade » Sat May 16, 2009 7:49 pm

If I were you I would try increasing my doses of L-Carnitine to 500 mgs 3 times a day, cap form see how it works. also try the same amount of A-L Carnitine I find I get much more relief from this amount of supplementation. I have not read spacedoc's new book yet. I'm looking forward to it though. I also am taking more of other supplements than you are, but I think the Carnitines give me the most relief. You can go back on this thread to see the exact amounts I'm taking.
Best to to you, gotts, I'm looking forward to hearing about some improvement.
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Postby Biologist » Sat May 16, 2009 9:32 pm


You mentioned Magnesium Oxide. That is a placebo. You are getting NO magnesium based on some research I found and posted on in recent weeks. Magnesium is VERY important. Try a different kind. Magnesium Citrate is a good bet. (I just add the right amount of it to my bottled water which comes in gallon jugs from DeerPark and is supposed to be spring water; I use about a gallon per day so it works out real well.) I recently reordered a type that Brooks recommended (via some research he posted on, which I think was called Magnesium Malate or something similar, I'm still waiting on it to arrive). I hope Dr. Graveline did not specifically recommend Magnesium Oxide (but would imagine he did not). If so, there were be plenty of posts like this to come :). I am also waiting for his book to arrive.

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Postby Brian C. » Sun May 17, 2009 2:49 am

I use magnesium ascorbate for my Vit C supplementation in addition to magnesium orotate and potassium magnesium aspartate. My heart rhythm has been much improved since adding these last two.

Brian C.
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