Dr. Hillary -statins the wonder drug for all.

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Dr. Hillary -statins the wonder drug for all.

Postby Samuel Joe snr. » Mon May 07, 2007 8:24 am

The above reknowned GP published an article in " The News of the World" a UK sunday newspaper yesterday 06-05-2007 stating that statins are the the new wonder drug for nearly all major ailments. He obviously has'nt seen this forum and read any of our experiences with statins. The/his published email address is " *DrHillary@newsoftheworld.co.uk "can I suggest we all make him aware of our concerns. Regards to all Sam :o :oops: :cry:
Samuel Joe snr.
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Postby Samuel Joe snr. » Mon May 07, 2007 9:08 am

Correction to email address " drhillary@newsofthe world.co.uk "
Samuel Joe snr.
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Postby Samuel Joe snr. » Mon May 07, 2007 9:28 am

" correction no2 sorry see what statins can do Ha Ha!!!
"newsdesk@newsoftheworld.co.uk "
Samuel Joe snr.
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Postby Ray Holder » Mon May 07, 2007 10:59 am

Suitable rejoinder sent, I wonder if it will see the light of day?

Ray Holder
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon May 07, 2007 1:22 pm

Sam: So Damn disappointing. These educated men act like lemmings. I sent a rejoinder (copy below)

Editor: Please pass these remarks to Dr. Hillary:

Please! Before you make any further comments on the reliability and applicability of Statin drugs - go to

//www.gopetition.com/online/11757.html (A WHO Petition)

In the top right corner of the page presented you may click on the signatures indicator and read all the complaints registered in this WHO petition by current Statin sufferers. This medication is poison to many and you, above all, should know that, and should, at the very least, include that information in your commentary!

You may also visit Dr. Graveline's website www.spacedoc.net to read further, real-time horror stories resulting from the mismanaged employment of STATIN drugs by well-meaning though uninformed physicians around the globe.

Most sincerely,

J. L. Brooks
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon May 07, 2007 1:27 pm

Sam: Do you have another address for the paper or for Dr. Hillary? I got my recalcitant retort returned as undeliverable or unacceptable.


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Postby xrn » Mon May 07, 2007 2:05 pm

Possibly the e-mail address. Needless to say I have left6 a comment... :cool:

Dear, Dr Hilary, Where is the evidence for using statins? There is no published evidence that supports any link between cholesterol levels and heart disease. Statins have been implicated in cognitive disorder, low mood and depression leading to suicide. Peripheral neuropathy and muscular weakness, along with pain have been directly atributed to statins.

The mevalonate metabolic pathway is important for the production of Heme A, Dolichol, Ubiquinone and Preneylated Proteins, in addition to Cholesterol. The statins inhibit all of these important subtances with disasterous results. Heme A is responsible for energy transfer and is only found in the mitochondria. Without it, the cells age and die prematurely.

I will be happy to point you to as many pages of peer-reviewed and publisehed science as you need. Meanwhile, if you want to see the practical effect of statin administration, please look here... *http://www.gopetition.com/online/11757.html

Clearly we are beginning to see the tip of the iceberg insofar as iatrogenic conditions that have been mediated by statins. Statins are highly dangerous medications that interfere with cellular health at a very fundamental level. Unless that is recognised by the medical profession at large, we will be seeing more 'Statin Disease, than we ever thought possible.

The trials that you mention are in the main funded by the pharmaceutical companies and as for helping with cancer, it is widely acknowledged that every statin has been shown to be carcinogenic in test populations of rodents at or near the standard does for humans. What is sad, is just how little of this information gets to the public. We are required to trust our assigned NHS physicians and clinicians in the UK.

We, the denizens of the UK, have been badly let down by a medical profession that has accepted, without question, the junk science of Ansel Keys or of the equally tawdry Framingham study, in an uncritical way. People should be told the truth about these dreadful drugs, that have not been shown to be of anything other than marginal benefit, where the patient has already had one coronary thrombosis.

Brooks, why not try this URL...



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Postby Ray Holder » Mon May 07, 2007 2:11 pm

Hi Brooks

I put in wwwdot newsoftheworlddot codot uk and clicked on columnists, then Dr Hilary **** and got his article. Then click on the post a comment or something like that picture and you are there

I don't know if it will pass the author's moderation, but you have to give it a try.

Ray Holder
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon May 07, 2007 5:31 pm

xrn: Thank you. That url got me to the right place to leave my comments.


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Postby xrn » Tue May 08, 2007 5:00 am

I don't expect them to be published. Brian got a comment published though. Mine was filed in the trash... I had to respond though, otherwise I would be in danger of losing my anti-statin card. ;) Herewith...

I am deeply concerned that you, a General Practitioner, have chosen (by not publishing my letter to you) to actively prevent your readers from learning that another side to the statin story exists. What price is freedom of speech, or the press, when you wont document that the rush to prescribe statins to all and sundry is being discussed daily, by competent clinicians who are worried by the mindless acceptance of the Orwellian meme... 'statins good, cholesterol bad'.

By supressing the truth you have rendered a grave disservice to the thoughtful clinicians who have not forgotten their Hippocractic oath nor have they forgotten what the words actually mean. They have not abandoned the patients for whom they are required to advocate.

Contrast their conduct with your own execrable example... to whit, your despicable grasping at the fleeting opportunity afforded to you by 'writing' for a seedy public platform with the publication impact factor of a wet tea-bag. It seems that all must fall before the pursuit of your aim to become a z list celebrity, in exchange for selling your medical soul.

I will remind you (that which you have so clearly forgotten in your rush to serve mammon) that the Hippocratic oath states in part... "To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death."

My views are not those of a madman but they are shared by a very sane collection of clinicians and researchers. Were you to exercise your mind and carry out even the most cursory of searches, you will see that the material, to which I have referred, is factual and backed by rigorous scientific method.

What possible motive can you have for preventing your audience from learning the truth? The notoriety which you seek (that you imagine to be fame and reknown) and which clearly attends all of your public television appearances, speaks eloquently for you.

Frankly, Hilary Jones, your conduct as a medical doctor is an absolute disgrace. If you were only working as a tabloid newspaqper journalist, on a publication that is not widely known for its intelligent approach to the issues of the moment, I would still cry foul but on the other hand... a tabloid journalist does not have to sign up to a medical code of ethics, as you once did.

Evidence in abundance can be found here...

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue May 08, 2007 12:11 pm

Xrn: Congrats, a real weenie shrinker! Not that this guy will be swayed from his career objectives, but what was FIRST in the hippocratic oath? "FIRST, DO NO HARM"

Crimes against Humanity should comprise other than military acts.


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Postby xrn » Tue May 08, 2007 12:27 pm

I am hoping that, at the very least, his day was not as happy as he had hoped it would be. The arrogance of the guy is beyond belief. I would have liked to have stood at his breakfast table this morning and p****d on his cornflakes. :o)

Kind regards,
xrn (aka the weenie shrinker) :cool:
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue May 08, 2007 12:54 pm

xrn: And I would have paid good money to be there.


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Postby xrn » Tue May 08, 2007 3:04 pm

xrn: And I would have paid good money to be there.



[wide grin] :D

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Postby bucho » Tue May 08, 2007 5:01 pm

I assume of course only to provide a urine sample for proteinuria analysis to prove our point....
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Postby xrn » Tue May 08, 2007 5:08 pm

but of course, your honour! ;)

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