A list of symptoms from statin adverse effects

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Postby Allen1 » Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:23 pm

Hi there Belinda,

David's more than likely on the right track but I think if there is any success in this field, then we will be long gone before it becomes a routine type of treatment option.

I am 54 and its about 3 1/2 years since I quit Statins, I also can't work due to the problems that taking these poisonous pills have caused. I used to also take a baby aspirin daily but because I needed to take Ibuprofen, I had to leave them out. Although this may be just coincidence, since stopping the Aspirin, the pain in my hip area has all but gone?

In the last 4 to 6 months though I have been able to concentrate a bit better and also have a bit more stamina at times, other than that though, I still get my fix of watching paint dry :lol: :lol: :lol:

All the best,
Allen :)
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Paint Dry

Postby BDavis » Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:08 pm

Your time table and age are similar to mine. My I ask how long you were on the poison and what dosage?

I go back in forth with my level of abilities. Currently my mind is mush.
The other day I went to buy my granddaughters birthday card. I got back two weeks ago from spending two weeks visiting her. But when I went to buy the card I couldn't remember which bday this would be, First or Second.
I went through the stages of things she could do and the foods she eats to determine she will be one. Still not confident I bought a card that does not note which bday it is.

It scares me to think were I'll be in another year. Watching paint dry might not be a hobby for me but a day to day duty.
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Postby Allen1 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:02 am

Hi there BeLinda,

I still have problems with birthdays and wedding anniversaries and names, mind you its not as bad as it was a while ago but some days I shouldn't have bothered to get out of bed for the amount of use I am :) Having a Granddaughter who reminds me of ages and names is a wonderful part of my life and I would have been missing anniversaries and birthdays plus the right age all the time without her, heaven help people like us that don't have close family and friends nearby.

In answer to your question about the length of time I was on Statins, it was 10 to 12 years and I have been off them for 3 1/2 years. I honestly cannot remember the actual date I started that poison, there is a lot I still can't remember when people say you know when you did this or fixed that, I often don't have any idea about what is being discussed.

From what I have been told and from what I do recall, I was always repairing things and making things from scratch, this is not the person that I became after years of statin use, although I have recently managed to sort some things out for friends but doing so was exhausting both physically and mentally, it still does surprise me how quickly my ability to think things out, tires me to the point of exhaustion so very fast.

Still this is an improvement from where I was , we can only hope that things will continue to get better as time goes by, it has for many so maybe it will for us ;)

All the very best,
Allen :)
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Postby David Staup » Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:22 pm

Just moving this back up the line so newbys see it
David Staup
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Best site I've seen

Postby BDavis » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:39 pm

David Staup,
In your list there was this link:
More information on mitochondrial disorders can be seen here:


I went and checked it out and it's fantastic!
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Postby David Staup » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:05 pm


there are several decent "mito sites" I'll try and remember to post them also.

where in florida are you? I lived in Palm Bay with my family '85-'96 and am thinking of relocating back. maybe somewhere around Jupiter. I'm looking for a contact in realestate if you know someone let me know.
David Staup
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Postby BDavis » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:44 pm

I live in Vero Beach just south of Palm Bay. I know a very good buyers agent here in VB and he might have a referral for Jupiter. I love Jupiter, but you should look at VB.
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Postby David Staup » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:20 pm


I've been to Vero many times, fished out of vero and took the kids to Dogertown several times. I'm considering Jupiter because it's further south but not so far that culture shock would be a factor :roll: . I really should come down and scope out the whole area from palm bay to jupiter. if so we can "do lunch" :) I know (maybe) just the place. when we moved from florida to texas we found an awsome 5 star italian resteraunt that 6 months later closed down here and reopened in Vero of all places!

here are the other mito sites I mentioned:



http://www.umdf.org/atf/cf/%7B28038C4C- ... 0FIRST.pdf

This last one is not the home page of the org. but is a page that has much info

David Staup
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Mito sites

Postby BDavis » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:15 am

What is the name of the restaurant, so I can tell you if it's still open here?
Thanks for the site list. I'll ck them out.
Happy New Year,
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Postby David Staup » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:11 pm

In the header to this list I link to a site where the original list by Dr. Goulomb can be purchased. here is a link to the same for free!

David Staup
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Postby lars999 » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:53 pm


Thank you for link to full, Pdf version of this article. I have come to hate PubMed abstracts and really ignore any article I cannot find full text for. I am an unrepentent data-hog -- I wanta see data!!

Only problem I have with Beatrice Golumb's articles is that I find them too "positive" about benefits of statins. Presume this bias is because she has to walk a "tightrope" twixt drug company lackies in NIH, etc. and getting as much highly commendable information published as she does. I am a big fan of Beatrice, so do not take this as negative toward her.

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Link for free

Postby BDavis » Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:59 pm

Thanks David for the link.
I'm reading through the vast information and find it very informative.
I'm very glad the medical world is finally publishing what they know about the harms of statins, but I wonder how long it will take them to figure out what to do now to help us.
I want to scream, we aren't getting better off the statins and in fact continue to get worse. This is a crippling, progressive condition with only slight relief from supplements.
Thanks again,
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Postby David Staup » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:41 am

the only real help for "us" is likely to come from within. Only by accepting our limits and living within them will we get any better. The suppliments can help and certainly some of them are necessary to stop further damage but the real key is pacing. We must first do as close to nothing as possible to recover and build energy stores and then work up to the point where we start tio relapse and then back off. Only in this manner can we find a sustainable amount of activity. If you haven't already download and study the following booklet on chronic fatigue:


By the way Belinda, I remembered that the italian resteraunt I mentioned moved to Vero...I was wrong, it was Sebastian inlet that they moved to. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to visit fla. this year... I've been working on putting all this together for presentation and hope to present it to congress through the Tea Party Caucus. whithin the next few weeks I'm going to my local congressman's office to try to get the ball rolling through them.

I believe you are correct, anyone who tries to put out the truth must walk a fine line or they just don't get published or keep thier positions...You can see this clearly in the statin intolerance clinics statements.
However some are able to get the whole truth out with stealth and by spreading it out... note that the people at Mayo have the following on their front page:

"In the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial, the reduction in risk of coronary events was 39.3% among patients fully compliant with lipid-lowering therapy, compared with risk reductions of 10.9% and 26.1% among patients with approximately 25% and 5% adherence, respectively"

typical pro statin "half truth"

then go to this page, also from Mayo that shows the truth. in this case the drug companies would claim a 20% decrease in risk. but here the truth behind that claim is quite clear.


clearly some people at Mayo know the truth and are putting it out by stealth!

all it takes is for someone with nothing to lose to put it all together and get it out...I'm working on just that!
David Staup
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Postby lars999 » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:41 pm


Best wishes for success in getting the whole story out to folks that can have a much bigger "bang" individually.

After reading books by Duane, Malcom and Uffe, as well as reading the actual reports from at least some of the clinical trials, I have come to consider any "risk factor" that is based on cholesterol concentrations, or any lipid profile, to be somewhere between simple nonsence and "fancy" lie.

IF indeed the results reported ín Duane's latest newsletter are correct, then "traditional" risk factors based on total cholesterol are totally delusional. Actually I think it is much worse than that -- cholesterol scam seems appropriate description. I for one, should have long ago had a major heart attack and/or stroke, as well as having highly plaqued-up arteries, IF any form of cholesterol had any causitive role in cardiovascular "disease". NONE of this has happened.

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Postby BDavis » Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:23 am

Thank you for the link to Dr. Myhill paper on CFS. I know you are right, the best we can do for our future lifestyle is to manage our fatigue. I have been going over the top lately and fell victim to my body yesterday, sending me to bed. I have been feeling so much better in the head, but my body wasn't on board.

I'm sorry you'll not be coming to FL., but very thankful that you might get to present our blight. If I can do anything to help or if you need stories and experiences from the forum here, speak up. Remember you're not allow in this battle.


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Postby David Staup » Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:17 pm

just moving this up in position!
David Staup
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Re: A list of symptoms from statin adverse effects

Postby David Staup » Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:27 am

David Staup
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Re: A list of symptoms from statin adverse effects

Postby David Staup » Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:51 pm

To spaceadmin:

this post is still getting more hits than the new post that contains the list...
I suggest that you reroute the address to this post to the new one that actually includes the LIST and remove this one from view...should be simple enough

David Staup
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